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My ACME wildcard certificate stack


I was pretty excited when Let's Encrypt began their public beta on December 3, 2015. I spent some time looking for the best client and finally got my first certificate issued on January 11, 2016 using acme-nosudo, also known as letsencrypt-nosudo back then. It was a nice solution as the source was short and sweet, and it didn't require access to the certificate private key and even the account private key was only touched by human-readable OpenSSL command line invocations.

As soon as Let's Encrypt became popular, people started demanding wildcard certificates, and as it turned out, this marked the next milestone in my ACME client stack. On March 13, 2018, wildcard support went live, and I started doing my research again to find the perfect stack.

Although ACME (and thus Let's Encrypt) support many different methods of validation, wildcard certificates could only be validated using dns-02. This involves the ACME API giving the user a challenge, which must be later returned in the TXT record of _acme-challenge.domain.tld thus requires frequent access to DNS records. Most solutions solve the problem by invoking APIs to the biggest DNS provider, however, I don't use any of those and have no plan on doing so.

Fortunately, one day I bumped into acme-dns, which had an elegant solution to this problem. Just like http-01 and http-02 validators follow HTTP redirects, dns-01 and dns-02 behave in a similar way regarding CNAME records. By running a tiny specialized DNS server with a simple API, and pointing a CNAME record to a name that belongs to it, I could have my cake and eat it too. I only had to create the CNAME record once per domain and that's it.

The next step was finding a suitable ACME client with support for dns-02 and wildcard certificates. While there are lots of ACMEv1 clients, adoption of ACMEv2 is a bit slow, which limited my options. Also, since a whole new DNS API had to be supported, I preferred to find a project in a programming language I was comfortable contributing in.

This led me to sewer, written in Python, with full support for dns-02 and wildcard certificates, and infrastructure for DNS providers plugins. Thus writing the code was pretty painless, and I submitted a pull request on March 20, 2018. Since requests was already a dependency of the project, invoking the acme-dns HTTP API was painless, and implementing the interface was pretty straightforward. The main problem was finding the acme-dns subdomain since that's required by the HTTP API, while there's no functionality in the Python standard library to query a TXT record. I solved that using dnspython, however, that involved adding a new dependency to the project just for this small task.

I tested the result in the staging environment, which is something I'd recommend for anyone playing with Let's Encrypt to avoid running into request quotas. Interestingly, both the staging and production Let's Encrypt endpoints failed for the first attempt but worked for subsequent requests (even lots of them), so I haven't debugged this part so far. I got my first certificate issued on April 28, 2018 using this new stack, and used the following script:

from sys import argv
import sewer

dns_class = sewer.AcmeDnsDns(

with open('/path/to/account.key', 'r') as f:
    account_key = f.read()

with open('/path/to/certificate.key', 'r') as f:
    certificate_key = f.read()

client = sewer.Client(domain_name='*.'+argv[1],
#                     ACME_DIRECTORY_URL='https://acme-staging-v02...',

certificate = client.cert()
with open(argv[1] + '.crt', 'w') as certificate_file:

By pointing all the CNAME records to the same acme-dns subdomain, I could hardcode that, and even though there's an API key, I also set acme-dns to listen on localhost only to limit exposure. By specifying the ACME_DIRECTORY_URL optional argument in the sewer.Client constructor, the script can easily be used on the staging Let's Encrypt infrastructure instead of the production one. Also, at the time of this writing, certificate_key is not yet in mainline sewer, so if you'd like to try it before it's merged, take a look at my pull request regarding this.

Using Android emulator with Burp Suite


I still find Burp Suite the best tool for web-related penetration testing, and assessing Android applications are no exception. In the past, I used my phone with iptables, but lately – especially since the emulator supports using the host OpenGL for graphics – I started to prefer the emulator.

First of all, setting an emulator-wide proxy is really easy, as Fas wrote, all I needed was the -http-proxy command line argument. Because of this, I had to start the emulator from command line – I've only used the GUI provided by android before. I looked at the output of ps w for hints, and at first, I used a command line like the following.

$ tools/emulator64-arm -avd Android17 -http-proxy
emulator: ERROR: Could not load OpenGLES emulation library: lib64OpenglRender.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
emulator: WARNING: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, using software renderer.

Since using the Android emulator without hardware rendering would've been like using Subversion after Git, I looked into the matter and found that I just had to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH path to the tools/lib subdirectory of the SDK. Now I could intercept various TCP connections using Burp, but in case of SSL connections, certificate mismatch caused the usual problem.

Luckily, Burp provides really easy ways of exporting the its root CA certificate in the last few releases, I chose to export it into a DER file by clicking on the Certificate button on the Options subtab of the Proxy tab, and selecting the appropriate radio button as seen below.

Exporting root CA certificate from Burp Proxy

Android 4.x stores root CA certificates in system/etc/security/cacerts/ in PEM format, so running the following command gives a chance to review the certificate before adding and the output can be used directly by Android.

$ openssl x509 -in burp.cer -inform DER -text
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 1296145266 (0x4d419b72)
    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=PortSwigger, ST=PortSwigger, L=PortSwigger, O=PortSwigger, OU=PortSwigger CA, CN=PortSwigger CA
            Not Before: Jan 27 16:21:06 2011 GMT
            Not After : Jan 22 16:21:06 2031 GMT
        Subject: C=PortSwigger, ST=PortSwigger, L=PortSwigger, O=PortSwigger, OU=PortSwigger CA, CN=PortSwigger CA
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (1024 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
                CA:TRUE, pathlen:0
    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption

As rustix wrote, the file name needs to be the the hash of the subject of the certificate, in case of the above certificate, it can be calculated as the following.

$ openssl x509 -noout -subject_hash_old -inform DER -in burp.cer

Now all we need is to upload the file using adb.

$ adb push burp.cer /system/etc/security/cacerts/9a5ba575.0
failed to copy 'burp.cer' to '/system/etc/security/cacerts/9a5ba575.0':
    Read-only file system

The error message was fairly straightforward, /system is mounted read-only, all we need to do is remounting it in read-write (rw) mode.

$ adb shell
root@android:/ # mount -o rw,remount /system
root@android:/ # ^D
$ adb push burp.cer /system/etc/security/cacerts/9a5ba575.0
failed to copy 'burp.cer' to '/system/etc/security/cacerts/9a5ba575.0':
    Out of memory

That's a tougher one, but easily solveable by resizing the system partition using the emulator command line argument -partition-size. With this change as well as the library path for OpenGL, the full command line looks like the following (of course, 64 should be removed if you're using a 32-bit OS).

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=tools/lib/ tools/emulator64-arm -avd Android17 \
    -http-proxy -partition-size 512

Since restarting the emulator wiped my changes from /system, I had to upload the certificate again, and finally, it appeared in the list of system certificates.

Burp Proxy root CA in Android System CA store

This being done, all applications using SSL/TLS connections (except for those that do certificate pinning) will accept the MITM of Burp, as it can be seen below with Google as an example. The top half is the certificate viewer of the Android web browser, stating that Portswigger issuing a certificate for www.google.com is perfectly valid, while the bottom half is the Burp Proxy window, showing the contents of the HTTPS request.

Android web browser using the Burp CA

Installing CAcert on Android without root


I've been using CAcert for securing some of my services with TLS/SSL, and when I got my Android phone I chose K-9 mail over the stock e-mail client because as the certificate installation page on the official CAcert site stated, it required root access to access the system certificate store. Now, one year and two upgrades (ICS, JB) later, I revisited the issue.

As of this writing, the CAcert site contains another method that also requires root access, but as Jethro Carr wrote in his blog, since at least ICS, it's possible to install certificates without any witchcraft, using not only PKCS12 but also PEM files. Since Debian ships the CAcert bundle, I used that file, but it's also possible to download the files from the official CAcert root certificate download page. Since I have Android SDK installed, I used adb (Android Debug Bridge) to copy the certificate to the SD card, but any other method (browser, FTP, e-mail, etc.) works too.

$ adb push /usr/share/ca-certificates/cacert.org/cacert.org.crt /sdcard/
2 KB/s (5179 bytes in 1.748s)

On the phone, I opened Settings > Security, scrolled to the bottom, and selected Install from storage. It prompted for a name of the certificate, and installed the certificate in a second without any further questions asked.

Installing the CAcert root certificate on Android

After this, the certificate can be viewed and by opening Trusted credentials and selecting the User tab, and browsing an HTTPS site with a CAcert-signed certificate becomes just as painless and secure as with any other built-in CA.

Using CAcert root certificate on Android

Adding certificate checksum to K-9 Mail


When I got my Android phone, I tried to make it work with my e-mail server which supports TLS and SSL using a CAcert certificate. CAcert is not yet present in the Android list of root certificates, and an FAQ entry of the official CAcert site along with two Android issues (6207 and 11231) state, that since this list is writeable to root only, it requires rooting of the phone, which I've considered an overkill. I also found that the stock Mail application had only two options for TLS or SSL security: either accept all certificates, thus creating a false sense of security, or accept certificates only from the read-only list.

SSL/TLS options of the stock Android Mail application

I tried an alternative mail client called K-9 mail, which had more options available, as it allowed the user to examine the certificate, and accept it to be used in future communications. I configured the mailbox, and got a nice dialog box asking me to confirm the details of the certificate.

SSL/TLS certificate dialog in K-9 Mail

Unfortunately, the only problem with this dialog box was making the whole feature useless: it didn't contain the checksum (also known as fingerprint) of the certificate, which is the only value not spoofable by a man in the middle (MITM) attacker. There are point-and-click tools available on the web that can create a rogue certificate matching the original one in every detail, and the only difference is the public key, which affects the checksum. I developed a patch to fix this problem, which was accepted after a short discussion, and later made its way into the Android Market.

First, I found, that the checksum algorithm is SHA-1 most of the time, since MD5 is considered broken for this purpose. To calculate the SHA-1 hashes of the certificates in the chain, I imported the necessary classes and instantiated the SHA-1 MessageDigest class.

import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;


MessageDigest sha1 = null;
try {
    sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Error while initializing MessageDigest", e);

I spent most of the time figuring out how to extract the content of the certificate that needs to be hashed. As Roman D figured out in a post on Stack Overflow, “the hash is calculated over the DER-encoded (again, not the PEM string) TBS part only, including its ASN.1 header (the ID 0x30 == ASN1_SEQUENCE | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED and the length field)”.

Knowing this, I just needed to extract this information form the instances of the X509Certificate interface. I tried the getTBSCertificate method with no luck, but later found that there's a method inherited from Certificate called getEncoded, which does just what I needed. There was only one task to do: since the MessageDigest object returns the digest in raw bytes, I needed to convert them to hex digits in order to display it in the dialog box. It turned out, that the project already had a class for that, so I could avoid reinventing the wheel.

import com.fsck.k9.mail.filter.Hex;
import java.security.cert.CertificateEncodingException;


if (sha1 != null) {
  try {
    char[] sha1sum = Hex.encodeHex(sha1.digest(chain[i].getEncoded()));
    chainInfo.append("Fingerprint (SHA-1): " + new String(sha1sum) + "\n");
  } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
    Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Error while encoding certificate", e);

After development and building, there was only one task: testing. I installed the modified version into an emulator and tried to configure an account on my mail server. It worked, and as you can see on the screenshot below, the checksum matches the one you can CAcert fingerprint page.

Patched version displaying CAcert certificate

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