VSzA techblog

Bootstrapping MySQL for testing


When I created registr, I wanted a way to test it on the same RDBMS as the one I use for Redmine, MySQL. For the purposes of testing, I wanted to start a fresh instance of mysqld that could be ran without superuser privileges, without affecting other running MySQL instances, and with minimal resource consumtion.

Although the test suite was developed in Python, the idea can be used with any language that makes it possible to create temporary directories in a manner that avoids race conditions and spawn processes. The code can be found in the TestRedmineMySQL class, and it follows the steps described below.

  • Create a temporary directory (path)
  • Create a directory inside path (datadir)
  • Generate two filenames inside path (socket and pidfile)
  • Spawn the mysqld_safe binary with the following parameters.
    • --socket= and the value of socket makes MySQL accept connections throught that file
    • --datadir= and the value of datadir makes MySQL store all databases in that directory
    • --skip-networking disables the TCP listener, thus minimizes interference with other instances
    • --skip_grant_tables disables access control, since we don't need that for testing
    • --pid-file= and the value of pidfile makes MySQL store the process ID in that file
  • Do what you want with the database
  • Open the file named pidfile and read an integer from the only row
  • Send a SIGTERM to the PID
  • Wait for the process to finish.

The above way worked fine for me, didn't leave any garbage on the system, and ran as fast as an Oracle product could do. :)

Extending Wireshark MySQL dissector


I consider Wireshark one of the most successful FLOSS projects, and it outperforms many tools in the field of packet capture (USB sniffing is one of my favorite example), it is certainly the best tool I know for packet analysis, supportes by its many protocol-specific plugins called dissector. These fast little C/C++ libraries do one thing, and do that well by extracting all available information from packets of a certain protocol in a robust way.

In case of every network-related problem, Wireshark is one of the top three tools I use, since the analysis of network traffic provides an invaluable insight. This was also the case while I was experimenting with oursql, which provides Python bindings for libmysqlclient, the native MySQL client library, as an alternative to MySQLdb. While latter emulates client-side parameter interpolation (as JDBC does it too), former exploits the server-side prepared statements available since at least MySQL 4.0 (released in August 2002). The problem with Wireshark was that although it had dissector support for MySQL packets, dissection of COM_EXECUTE packets resulted in the following message.

Wireshark dissecting a MySQL execute packet before r39483

As the documentation of the MySQL ClientServer protocol states, COM_EXECUTE packets depend on information exchanged upon preparing the statement, which means that the dissector needed to be transformed to be stateful. It seemed that the original author of the MySQL dissector started working on the problem but then decided to leave it in an incomplete state.

To become familiar with the development of Wireshark, I started with the flags field of the COM_EXECUTE packet. The documentation linked above states, that although it was reserved for future use in MySQL 4.0, in later versions, it carries a meaningful value. However, the dissector always decoded the field with MySQL 4.0, regardless of the version actually used.

At first, I just added a new decoder and submitted a patch in the Wireshark Bug Database that decoded the four possible values according to the protocol documentation. Bill Meier took a look at it, and asked whether I could change the behaviour to treat version 4 and 5 differently, offering pointers with regard to storing per-connection data, effectively making the dissector stateful. I improved the patch and it finally made it into SVN.

Knowing this, I started implementing the dissection of the fields left, namely null_bit_map, new_parameter_bound_flag, type and values. The difficulty was that the lenght and/or offset of these packets depended on the number of placeholders sent during preparing the statement and also the number and index of parameters that were bound by binary streaming (COM_LONG_DATA packets). Since there already was a GHashTable member named smtms declared in the mysql_conn_data struct of per-connection data, and it was initialized upon the start of dissection and destroyed upon MYSQL_STMT_CLOSE and MYSQL_QUIT, and a my_stmt_data struct was declared with an nparam member, I just filled in the gaps by storing the number of parameters for every packet received in response to a COM_PREPARE.

diff --git a/packet-mysql.c b/packet-mysql.c
index 3adc116..9c71409 100644
--- a/packet-mysql.c
+++ b/packet-mysql.c
@@ -1546,15 +1546,22 @@ mysql_dissect_row_packet(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, proto_tree *tree)
 static int
 mysql_dissect_response_prepare(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, proto_tree *tree, mysql_conn_data_t *conn_data)
+       my_stmt_data_t *stmt_data;
+       gint stmt_id;
        /* 0, marker for OK packet */
        offset += 1;
        proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_mysql_stmt_id, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
+       stmt_id = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset);
        offset += 4;
        proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_mysql_num_fields, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        conn_data->stmt_num_fields = tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset);
        offset += 2;
        proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_mysql_num_params, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        conn_data->stmt_num_params = tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset);
+       stmt_data = se_alloc(sizeof(struct my_stmt_data));
+       stmt_data->nparam = conn_data->stmt_num_params;
+       g_hash_table_replace(conn_data->stmts, &stmt_id, stmt_data);
        offset += 2;
        /* Filler */
        offset += 1;

Later, I figured it out that using the GUI results in packets of the captured buffers being dissected in an undeterministic order and count, which could lead to problems, if the MYSQL_STMT_CLOSE packet was dissected before the COM_PREPARE, so I removed the destruction of the hashtable.

Having the hashtable filled with the number of parameters for each statement, I could make the dissector ignore the null_bit_map and decode the new_parameter_bound_flag. Former is unnecessary since NULL values are present as NULL typed parameters, while latter helps deciding whether the packet should contain values of not. If parameters are expected, the ones that are streamed are obviously not present in the COM_EXECUTE packet, which required the following modifications to be made.

  • The my_stmt_data struct was extended with a guint8* param_flags member.
  • Upon receiving a prepare response (and allocating the my_stmt_data struct), an array of 8-bit unsinged integers (guint8) was allocated and all bytes were set to 0.
  • During the dissection of a MYSQL_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA packet, a specific bit of the matching byte in the param_flags array was set.
  • The dissector logic of COM_EXECUTE ignored packets that had the corresponding bit set.

All that's left was the dissection of actual values, which were less documented as most software depend on official MySQL code for client functionality. Because of this (and for testing purposes, too) I tried several programming languages and MySQL client libraries and captured the network traffic generated. Among these were

  • PHP (mysqli with libmysqlclient),
  • Python (oursql with libmysqlclient),
  • C (native libmysqlclient) and
  • Java (JDBC with MySQL Connector/J).

One of the things that wasn't mentioned anywhere was the way strings were encoded. First, I sent foobar in itself and the bytes reached the wire were "\x06foobar" which meant that the length of the string was encoded in the first byte. Next, I sent 300 characters and saw that the first byte was 0xfc and then came the length of the string in two bytes. Finally, I sent 66000 characters and got another magic character, 0xfd followed by the length of the string in three bytes. (Luckily, Wireshark has 24-bit little-endian integer read functionality built-in.) Another surprise was that more than one field type codes were encoded in the same way:

  • 0xf6 (NEWDECIMAL), 0xfc (BLOB), 0xfd (VAR_STRING) and 0xfe (STRING) are all strings encoded in the manner described above.
  • 0x07 (TIMESTAMP), 0x0a (DATE) and 0x0c (DATETIME) are all timestamps consisting of a calendar date and an optional time part.

At last, after many test captures, I managed to decode 15 different types with 10 different dissector algorithms. A const struct was created to keep the type-dissector mapping simple and extensible.

typedef struct mysql_exec_dissector {
    guint8 type;
    guint8 unsigned_flag;
    void (*dissector)(tvbuff_t *tvb, int *param_offset, proto_item *field_tree);
} mysql_exec_dissector_t;

static const mysql_exec_dissector_t mysql_exec_dissectors[] = {
    { 0x01, 0, mysql_dissect_exec_tiny },
    { 0x02, 0, mysql_dissect_exec_short },
    { 0x03, 0, mysql_dissect_exec_long },
    { 0x04, 0, mysql_dissect_exec_float },
    { 0x05, 0, mysql_dissect_exec_double },
    { 0x06, 0, mysql_dissect_exec_null },
    { 0xfe, 0, mysql_dissect_exec_string },
    { 0x00, 0, NULL },

I submitted the resulting patch in the Wireshark Bug Database, and Jeff Morriss pointed out the obvious memory leak caused by the removal of the hashtable destruction. He was very constructive, and told me about se_tree structures which provide the subset of GHashtable functionality I needed but are managed by the Wireshark memory manager, so no destruction was needed. After I modified my patch accordingly, it got accepted and finally made in into SVN. Here's an example screenshot how a successfully dissected MySQL COM_EXECUTE packet might look like in the new version.

Wireshark dissecting a MySQL execute packet after r39483

I hope you found this little story interesting, and maybe learned a thing or two about the way Wireshark and/or MySQL works. The task I accomplished required little previous knowledge in either of them, so all I can recommend is if you see an incomplete or missing dissector in Wireshark, check out the source code and start experimenting. Happy hacking!

Optimizing Django ORM in f33dme


As I was hacking around with django-oursql vs f33dme, I started sniffing the network traffic between the Python process and the MySQL server to follow up on a bug in oursql. I found that the following queries (yes, plural!) ran every time a feed item was marked as read.

SELECT `f33dme_item`.`id`, `f33dme_item`.`title`, `f33dme_item`.`content`,
  `f33dme_item`.`url`, `f33dme_item`.`date`, `f33dme_item`.`added`,
  `f33dme_item`.`feed_id`, `f33dme_item`.`score`, `f33dme_item`.`archived`
FROM `f33dme_item` WHERE `f33dme_item`.`id` = ?

SELECT (1) AS `a` FROM `f33dme_item` WHERE `f33dme_item`.`id` = ?  LIMIT 1

UPDATE `f33dme_item` SET `title` = ?, `content` = ?, `url` = ?, `date` = ?,
  `added` = ?, `feed_id` = ?, `score` = ?, `archived` = ?
WHERE `f33dme_item`.`id` = ?

The above queries not only multiply the round-trip overhead by three, but the first and the last ones generate quite a bit of a traffic, by sending the content of all the fields (including the content which might contain a full-blown blog post like this) to and from the ORM, respectively. The innocent-looking lines of code that generated them were the following ones.

item = Item.objects.get(id=item_id)
if not item:
  return HttpResponse('No item found')
item.archived = True

By looking at the queries above first, it's pretty clear, that the get method needs to query all the columns, since later code might access any of the fields. The same can be said about the update, which knows nothing about the contents of the database – it even has to check if a row with the ID specified exists to figure out whether to use an INSERT or and UPDATE DML query.

Of course, the developers of the Django ORM met this situation as well, and even documented it along with nice examples in the QuerySet API reference. All I needed was to adapt the code a little bit, and as the documentation states, the update method even “returns the number of affected rows”, so the check for the existence of the item can be preserved. The improved code is the following.

if Item.objects.filter(id=item_id).update(archived=True) != 1:
  return HttpResponse('No item found')

The first line is a bit longish (although still 62 characters only), but replaced four lines of the original code. When read carefully, one might even find it readable, and it produces the following SQL queries in the background.

UPDATE `f33dme_item` SET `archived` = ? WHERE `f33dme_item`.`id` = ?

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